Monday, January 3, 2011

Intro or "You want to know more about me?"

Well, lets start with the easy stuff. My name is Jaqueline, or Jackie IRL and Jaxie on the interwebbs. I was born on July 3rd 1988, which means I'm 22½ right now ^^ I live in Sweden, and I have all my life. I love to travel and right now I'm dreaming about studying abroad preferably in London or Tokyo. The Event Managment program I'm reading right now is only two years long which doesn't really give time for exchange programs. A third year somewhere else would be wonderful! The school is in a little town called Varberg so I've moved there for these years, then it's back to the big city again... well calling Gothenburg big is a bit of a stretch but it's bigger at least...

The view from Varberg Fortress, which is right next to our school.

The school

When I'm not in school I'm at home in front of my computer, either browsing forums/blogs, catching up on my YouTube subs or watching TV-series. I named some of my fav TV-shows in my short profile but that was only some of the active ones I'm watching, I'll have to make a separate post about ALL my favs sometime. Same for YouTube subs I think ^^
I also have a lot of other hobbies, most of then I do in front of the computer while watching TV-series... :P I make beaded jewelery, and I'm getting in to wire jewelery as well, scrapbook, make cards, play with fimo clay, embroider and trying to learn to sew clothes. I also find some time for shopping, well a lot of time.. ^^' both on the internet and in physical stores :)

Well if you want to know more just post a question, I promise I'll answer it :D

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