
To motivate myself I'm going to start a few challenges :D

The first one is of course the Daily Outfit one :) I'll post one outfit a day for a year, I'm already in my third month! :D How time flies :)

Number two is a photo challenge I found here, I just translated it. I'll post these under the tag 30 days :)

Day 1: Self Portrait
Day 2: Favorite Gadget
Day 3: A family member
Day 4: My hobby
Day 5: An old picture
Day 6: Theme "Green"
Day 7: An image that I never posted
Day 8: A favorite photo
Day 9: Today's
Day 10: This makes me happy
Day 11: Crazy
Day 12: My everyday life
Day 13: Theme "Light"
Day 14: A Winter Picture
Day 15: Love
Day 16: Self Portrait in back and white
Day 17: One moment
Day 18: Emotions
Day 19: I live here
Day 20: Theme "different"
Day 21: When I was little
Day 22: My addiction
Day 23: A summer picture
Day 24: This makes me happy
Day 25: In a hurry
Day 26: This I always laugh at
Day 27: Theme "two"
Day 28: Weather
Day 29: Latest picture of myself
Day 30: Optional Image

Third and last, for now, is 7 Days, a modified version of this :)

Day 1 - Presentation of me.
Day 2 - Why I blog.
Day 3 - My three main interests.
Day 4 - My vision for the future.
Day 5 - My family.
Day 6 - A "Today's" list. Ex. "Today's plans, Today's movie, Today's Song, Today's Makeup"
Day 7 - Some of my favorite blogs with description.